The Evolution of Mentoring

The shift from traditional mentoring to team mentoring is increasing the ability of organizations to transfer knowledge beyond a select few.

Traditionally the mentoring relationship relies on a senior leader guiding the career of a high potential person. This hierarchy limits potential growth at all but the highest levels of the organization because it does not allow for everyone to participate in learning.

Take a look at the mentoring visual aid 

See how Team Mentoring works and the kind of impact it is having on organizations ability to sustain the leading edge.


Remember to Pay the Learning Forward

Recently I had an opportunity to spend a weekend with a former boss and mentor at his summer home. The setting was idyllic and the conversation flowed with ease. The depth of the connection was palpable. The experience would remind me of the continuous, reciprocal cycle that learning follows between two people—teacher and student—when it is at its best.

A number of years ago, this person challenged me to reach what seemed like almost unreachable goals at the time. However, it was the way he helped me form a vision for what was possible as he held a supportive space for me to find my own way to realize the goal. It was autonomy with expectations and a soft place to land when necessary. I knew I could always reach out to him, if needed. As the years progressed that model propelled me to coach, mentor, and inspire people to realize that their life really matters and they can fulfill the highest, most authentic expression of their self as a human being, while also helping others.

Now, I sit with my former boss and mentor, along with his wife, sharing all the unexpected twists and turns of life that got thrown at us. I am struck by the poignancy and depth of the heartfelt conversation between the three of us. I could feel their compassion and appreciation for how I have dealt with losses in my life. I could feel my heart igniting.

As we sat and talked we were looking out on a pond and ocean that combined in ways to give a feeling of infinity. I realized in that moment it was a familiar unbounded space that had returned me to where the connection all began between teacher and student. Although my life and that of my mentor have taken very different paths, I began to once again feel his interest and encouragement for me to look anew at where I stand in life. I was feeling once again like I was stepping into my “field of dreams” to think about something I have never done before. The teacher and mentor in me had once again become the student.

I am now reinvigorated to not incarcerate my mind in ways that keep me from creating new ways of being, as I am living my life on purpose and encouraging others to do so. My face is now once again turned toward the future. When is the last time you got a “checkup” from your greatest teacher? Don’t delay and remember to pay the learning forward.

Rediscovering the Path to Soulful Creativity

It is as important now as it has ever been before to tend the fire of soulful creativity.

Our world, with all of its environmental,  economic and political complexities requires both individuals and our organizations to nurture the creative spirit and bring about solutions that add value.

This idea is about not becoming a person who is one-sided, saying, “I do what my job requires, go home, repeat.” There needs to be other aspects of self built so as to add flavor to the organization’s collective.

In return the organization should be interested about the other aspects of the person working in the collective. Asking, “what makes this person run?” and “How best can all of this persons talents be utilized.”

Both require a consistent practice, a daily tending.

As individuals it takes rediscovering that which you daydream about and for an organization it takes support and inspiration of the creative soul.

As a culture we are awakening to the urgency of this practice. As creatives’ we are determined beyond the snags and traps that lead us to say we will do it later to keep alive the handmade aspects of life.

I challenge you, on behalf of your wild and creative nature, to ask these three questions:

How do I honor and bring life to my creative spirit?

Is my organization interested in what makes me run?

Do my relationships support and encourage the new and unusual?

These three questions speak to the vitality it takes to keep this world, and each day alive and prosperous.

In the end, we decide which bridges will become strong and well traveled, and which will remain sketchy and empty.

Making a Case Now for The Learning Organization of Tomorrow

The world and the way business gets done are changing.

The business models that drove many businesses and industries in the past (especially since the market crash in 2008) are no longer working.

Most of the old models are no longer successful because they are focused on the past and do not represent the future as it is evolving.

Also, it is now more complex to determine the future.  Deterministic models, which drove previous business models, are not giving organizations what is needed.

What is needed?

In today’s business world, organizations need to know their strongest and most distinctive capabilities.

These capabilities need to remain the foundation of any new business models.

However, businesses need to use those capabilities to project multiple new business models that incorporate the needs of the changing marketplaces and world.

Being prepared for uncertainty

No one knows any more exactly what will work in terms of a specific business model.

This makes a stronger case than ever for all organizations to become learning organizations.

It is now clear that learning can and needs to come from all areas and all people in the organization.

This is the only way to have as a foundation what is necessary to survive in the future as organizations figure out what models and scenarios will work best for them.

Using uncertainty as a catalyst

Fostering learning is one of the critical elements of innovation, which is a fundamental requirement for anything new to exist.

This is why mentoring in teams at all levels in an organization has become so important to success in today’s world.

The smartest organizations are connecting people at all levels to transfer knowledge and grow learning and potential to compete in today and tomorrow’s world.